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Deck Box Type
Deck Box Type
Stores, protects and organizes your card collection!
Premium card album with XenoSkin cover and reinforced 75 mm D-rings for all Compact Pocket-Pages. Designed with a clear indexing slot on the spine for easy organization (label included).
Stores, protects and organizes your card collection!
Premium card album with XenoSkin cover and reinforced 75 mm D-rings for all Compact Pocket-Pages. Designed with a clear indexing slot on the spine for easy organization (label included).
Technical data:
Width: 230 mm
Height: 227 mm
Thickness: 75 mm
Capacity approx.:
Produttore: heo GmbH, West Campus 1, 76863 Herxheim,,
Tempo di consegna 1-4 giorni lavorativi