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This Ultimate Guard Boulder 100+ SYNERGY represents the power to defend what one believes is the right and good way for all. In order to archive this greater goal of peaceful co-existence, it maybe impossible to avoid blood shed sometimes. Too bad, so sad - your fiery red and white Boulder ...
This Ultimate Guard Boulder 100+ SYNERGY represents the power to defend what one believes is the right and good way for all. In order to archive this greater goal of peaceful co-existence, it maybe impossible to avoid blood shed sometimes. Too bad, so sad - your fiery red and white Boulder is gonna do the trick.
Dimensions approx.: 76 x 75 x 98,5 mm
Interior dimensions approx.: 68,5 x 67,5 x 93 mm
Produttore: heo GmbH, West Campus 1, 76863 Herxheim,,
Tempo di consegna 1-4 giorni lavorativi