It all began in 1996 in a small village called Herxheim in Germany, when the three friends Christoph, Marcel and Ulrich decided to jump into the business of pop-culture items and started their own distribution company – the heo Group.
Im Laufe der Jahre häuften sie eine große Menge Sammelkarten an. Dabei träumten sie immer von einer eigenen Marke für TCG-Zubehör. Die Lücke an hochwertigen Produkten auf dem Markt motivierte sie, ihren Traum endlich zu verwirklichen. So wurde Ultimate Guard geboren.
Ultimate Guard’s concept to develop innovative products with a modular design and sturdy but elegant material quickly made our brand one of the most popular storage solutions available. The release of the Flip 'n' Tray box marks the start of our global success and made the "Exotastic" Xenoskin surface the signature trademark of Ultimate Guard.
At the start of the Magic: The Gathering season 2017-2018, Ultimate Guard entered the world of competitive gameplay. Spearheaded by two living legends and members of the Hall of Fame, Jon Finkel and William Jensen, the newly-formed Ultimate Guard Pro Team paved its way to becoming the 2018 Team Series Champions!
After another strong finish in second place, and with the ending of the Team Series, the team transformed into the well-known Team CFBUltimateGuard.
Always looking for new ways to create value for the gaming communities, Ultimate Guard expanded its already broad portfolio with a new category. With the introduction of the Ammonite Anti-Theft Backpack, we settled a new path for gamers and collectors with our first Lifestyle product.
Growing success comes along with growing responsibility, both towards the team at Ultimate Guard as well as to all our partners, friends and customers. The newly built heo Campus gives us a modern home with a green heart to significantly reduce our carbon footprint.
A dynamic and creative work environment enables the team behind the brand to follow their passion to deliver the quality Ultimate Guard is globally known for.
At the start of the Magic: The Gathering season 2017-2018, Ultimate Guard entered the world of competitive gameplay. Spearheaded by two living legends and members of the Hall of Fame, Jon Finkel and William Jensen, the newly-formed Ultimate Guard Pro Team paved its way to becoming the 2018 Team Series Champions!
After another strong finish in second place, and with the ending of the Team Series, the team transformed into the well-known Team CFBUltimateGuard.
Ultimate Guard is even more focusing on its ecological responsibility. With the power of our new campus facility, a state-of-the-art logistical system and years of expertise and knowledge, we are working actively on greater sustainability and improving our operations in general. Expanding our Return to Earth series as well as adding new product categories to our portfolio is what we pursue for the future, to make a lasting change in our industry.
We want to advance the culture of gaming and collecting. Sustainable and user driven. Analog and digital.